Bridget Bites : My Supplement Routine
![Bridget Bites : My Supplement Routine](
Hi beautiful!!
I wanted to ask you if you usually take some vitamin supplement like for example: omega 3, magnesium, B12, etc.
Thank you and good vibes <3
Hi! Thank you for your question 😀
I used to take a huge amount of vitamins, so have recently been on a mission to cut back to the bare essentials with vitamins. I try my hardest to get them through plant-based foods, and I find vega one as a day starter to be my favorite form of multi vitamin. A serving of it has a good amount of vegan omega 3’s, probiotics, greens, fiber and 25 percent of the RDA of most vitamins and minerals. Plus it is all from plant-based sources – no weird chemicals or sugar added. I usually have around two servings a day; one first thing and one post workout.
I also am a big fan of mushroom coffee – Four Sigmatic brand is the bomb! I like to use their cordyceps and chaga coffees first thing. It doesn’t taste too shroomy, and it gives you a nice boost to start your day without any caffeine jitters. I used to be a five cups a day kind of girl, but have been able to cut back using this product to one or two first thing. That’s a big deal for me!
Probiotics are incredibly important to me. I have had major digestive issues before – and once I started to focus on probiotic and fermented foods (and went on the FODMAPS plan, more on this later) I found I was no longer kept up at night with stabbing pains in my gut. My favorite source of probiotics is definitely coconut yogurt. I use the coconut cult’s yogurt, and whilst it is stupidly expensive (25 dollars a jar) you are only using a tablespoon or two a day, so the price evens out. I have never liked kombucha, but I love the Kevita line of drinks – they are low in sugar, and high in probiotics. I also love that they add apple cider vinegar; that always has sorted my gut out in a fix.
Now – onto my actual supplements.
I take Magnesium citrate nightly, and I love to take sensory deprivation tanks twice a week. Failing that, a really hot Epsom salt bath. I love Magnesium; it helps me relax and helps to treat my muscle soreness. I also take a strong turmeric/curcumin and black pepper supplement. Turmeric gets absorbed better with black pepper (I read that somewhere) and I take this nightly for inflammation. Plus I find it helps with digestion.
I am very loyal to the Reserveage nutrition brand; I have been using their Ultra Collagen Booster supplement for nearly a year now and I love it! I have really noticed a difference in my skin. It contains Dermaval and Resveratrol along with Collagen, and you can get it from Wholefoods. I cannot talk this product up enough; it really is the best for skin tone and beauty.
I also take a sub-lingual B12 vitamin. Due to soil depletion, I feel like everyone should take a B12 supplement, not just vegans. Plus mine is cherry flavored and delicious, so I am very ok with taking it!
Finally, whenever I can’t sleep I take some Kava root. No nasty sleeping tablets for me! I find it relaxes my mind to just the right amount.
I hope this helps!
Bridget Malcolm